Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Relationship Is Not A Test So Why Cheat?

So you're in a relationship, and everything is going good, until one day, you find an earring in your boyfriend's coat pocket that doesn't belong to you, or until you find another guy's boxers in your laundry pile that you are sure isn't yours. A terrible wave of emotion you feel come over your heart; betrayal, jealousy, revenge, confusion; so many emotions, it can drive a person crazy for a period of time. Everyone experiences this feeling at one point or another, in one form or another, so you would FIGURE that people would think to themselves, "Well shit, I know how shitty I felt getting cheating on, so maybe I shouldn't do it to the people I date"... but NOO that is NOT how it is...

To all the people who are cheating out there... You can't NOT expect to not be cheated on yourself! Everyone talks about karma this, and karma that, yet they go out and do things, then when their "karma'' comes back to them, they want to get all heart broken.. what is that?? People want to be able to do things to other people and get away with it, and not expect it back to them. I can't stand how people think it is alright to cheat on someone, no matter how short, or long they have been with someone, because the fact is, it doesn't matter if you two have only been together for a week, or a month, when you ask someone to be in a relationship with you, there are certain rules that now are apart of your life, and one of them is faithfulness...

By no means at all am I saying that I am perfect, and never cheated on someone, because I did, and honestly I'm kind of glad I did, and here's why; I lost the best person that ever walked into my life because I cheated on him. I cheated on him two seperate times, one completely intentionally, and one time by accident. The first time, I planned on cheating on him with one of my ex-boyfriends, who I came in contact with again. The second time, I was drinking with one of my boys, blacked out, and "woke up" having sex with him. I stopped it the minute I knew what I was doing, because I didn't want to do this to my boyfriend again. Time passed and my boyfriend was always suspicious of the second time I cheated on him... he knew somehow. The first time he had asked me, we were both tripping on mushrooms, and he just plain out asked me, "did you cheat on me"? Naturally I denied it.. but a few weeks later we ended up moving in together. Once I started to see him everyday, and we started to say "I love you", I couldn't hold it in any longer. It was literally eating me up inside. I woke him up one day at 5:30 in the morning, because I couldn't stop crying about it.. and this is like a year after the fact I did it. 

The point of me telling you all that, is because I want you guys to understand that mistakes happen, and no one is perfect. I am against cheating because I did it to someone, and I seen the hurt I caused them. I tore this man's world open with my lies, but in the end I was the one hurting more, because I ended up losing him. I tried to be honest, and he didn't care. He didn't care I was honest, he cared that I had cheated in the first place. This woke me up to what I really did, because I lost the love of my life. I lost the apartment we shared, and almost lost my car, because I put it in his name. 

So I just wanna know.... WHY CHEAT ? If you want to be with more than one person, then why don't you stay single, and if you can't be that genuine of a person to be faithful, don't be surprised if you get cheated on back.. because I'll tell you one thing, if I find out my boyfriend is cheating on me, before I break up with him, I'm getting my revenge, and making sure he knows about it. ;)

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